Stoke Lodge Primary School

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is an additional grant of money provided to schools by the government aimed at reducing the educational effects of disadvantage.

The government believes that it is unacceptable for children’s success to be determined by their social circumstances and intends to raise levels of achievement for all disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between disadvantaged children and their peers. It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.

When commenting on how successful schools use the Pupil Premium to narrow the attainment gap, the Department of Education said:

‘Evidence shows that the most effective schools achieve this through a combination of high quality teaching, strong leadership, a relevant and coherent curriculum, a culture of high expectations and targeted catch-up and enrichment activities.’

Department for Education

For further information please visit:

Who is it for?

Schools are allocated additional funding for children from low-income families who are eligible for free school meals, looked after children and those from families with parents in the Armed Forces. It is also paid on the basis of pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years.

To find out if your child is eligible, please contact Mrs Jemma Hughes or Mrs Jane Prior in our school office.

Our School

  • Approximately 20% of pupils at Stoke Lodge are currently entitled to Pupil Premium funding
  • At present 1% of pupils at Stoke Lodge are from forces families
  • The Headteacher works collaboratively with the SENCo, Family Link Worker, Educational Welfare Officer, School Nurse, Olympus Inclusion Lead and School Improvement Committee to develop our whole school strategy to improving outcomes for pupils entitled to the additional funding
  • A Personal Education Plan (PEP) is discussed, agreed and reviewed regularly with carers, members of #TeamSLP and the Virtual School where necessary
  • All class teachers and support staff are aware of the Pupil Premium learners they work with
  • The school’s monitoring cycle looks specifically at PP children as well as non-PP children
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Our Pupil Premium Targets

We have developed our new Pupil Strategy with support from other schools within the Trust and beyond and backed up by evidence from the DfE and Education Endowment Foundation. As a school, we have ten key targets that we believe will improve outcomes for all pupils. We are aware that the DfE has suggested that a PP strategy can be taken as a long-term vision and strategic plan for three years. However, as this is a new strategy for our school and because of the changes in year to year of cohorts and the differing needs of our learners, we have decided to maintain a yearly strategy plan that can be regularly reviewed and improved.

Pupil Premium Aspirations:

We endeavour to provide opportunities in all aspects of school life for our pupils to believe in themselves, achieve beyond their expectations and develop the skills needed to succeed and enjoy life.

We have devised 10 key aspirations which will be regularly shared with staff, parents and our learners. Our number one aspiration, backed up by evidence and research from the DfE and EFF, is that all Pupil Premium children receive high-quality teaching every day. This is something we have spent the last year developing and will continue to work on as we move forward on our school improvement journey to ensure our pupils make good progress from their starting points.

  • All pupils, including our most vulnerable and PP children, have access to good quality first teaching every day
  • PP Pupils have access to regular feedback, both self and peer assessment that clearly moves children’s learning on (including one-to-one verbal feedback from teachers and teacher assistants and interventions when necessary)
  • To promote and achieve high levels of attainment and progress, with all Pupil Premium groups diminishing the gap
  • To ensure that all PP children make very good progress from their starting points including in Reading, Writing and Maths
  • To ensure that 100% of PP children meet the Year 1 Phonics standard
  • That KS2 Year 6 PP children meet top 20% of UK FFT progress targets
  • That KS1 Year 2 PP children meet top 20% of UK FFT progress targets
  • That 100% EYFS PP children achieve a GLD
  • To ensure that 100% of PP children are involved in at least one extra-curricular club each long term
  • That the attendance of PP children continues to improve and in individual families and children we see a year-on-year improvement

For more information on how we will try to achieve these aims please click the link below:

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025 (including annual review)