Stoke Lodge Primary School

Year 1 - Wales

Welcome to Wales Class

Our teachers are:

  • Miss Bell

Welcome to Wales Class!

Hello and welcome to Wales class! I am really looking forward to teaching you this year and getting to know you better. We have so many fun things planned for you and I can’t wait for you to get stuck in! We will be starting with thinking about the world around us and looking at ways to identify our local area. We will also be exploring lots of new stories and texts. I know we will have lots of fun together this year and I look forward to you continuing your learning journey with me in Year 1.

Curriculum Map 2024-2025

Class Newsletters and Knowledge Organisers

 Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2-3 Newsletter 

Term 4-5 Newsletter

Knowledge Organiser Term 1 

 Knowledge Organiser Term 2-3 

 Knowledge Organiser Term 4-5